Monday, May 28, 2012

This was the birthday gift I received for my birthday in 2006. I was on Enbrel at the time, a self injected medicine which never worked for me. Would you believe I was chosen as a hand model at one time?

A year later, while on Remicade. That was the first of the so-called "big guys" that I was on. I was on it for 11 months and I really never did do particularly well with it, day-to-day, but after 4 large flares, as they're called, I said no more! This isn't working!!!
I started in August 2006 and by November I had my first flare. Then February 2007, and 2 different flares in July. Well, at least it missed my birthday.

I took this picture on my birthday in 2010 after I had been on Orencia beginning August 2007 to the current day! It's almost my 6-year anniversary! I've never been able to go that long before. Quite a difference, and yet the hands that always wore rings, wear them no longer, as none fit. Sadly, I've had resizing done, but by the time you get them up and over the rheumatoid nodules, they're too big to stay in place. And I'm left-handed, were much of my damage is.

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